Terms & Conditions

Last Updated on May 2024

NOTICE: These Terms and Conditions of Use are legally binding. It is Your responsibility to read these Terms and Conditions of Use carefully prior to purchase, use, or access of any of Our products.

This website is owned and operated by Anna Wisjo Photography, DBA Nordic Light Co. (hereafter "Our", "We"). Our place of business is located in Denver NC. 

Use of this website is at Your own risk. We host our site on a reputable platform and take reasonable efforts to maintain and host the site. However, We make no explicit representations or warranties as to the safety of Your individual use of the website. The Terms and Conditions contained on this page are subject to change at any time.

You must be at least 18 to use our template and products. 

All digital products and website templates are instant downloads and therefore, no physical item will be shipped. Due to the nature of the product and instant digital file delivery, all sales, including payment plans, are FINAL. There will be no exchanges or refunds.

Any payment plans must be fulfilled and paid in full. You hereby authorize Anna Wisjo Photography, DBA Nordic Light Co. and any third-party processor to charge your credit card or debit card automatically according to the terms of your selected payment plan. You will not void, dispute, or cancel your payments. Any late payments will be subjected to a late fee.

By purchasing our digital products and website templates, you are responsible for acquiring and maintaining all licenses for any distribution of media used in your design including: custom fonts, photos, videos, icons, and graphics. 

WIth your purchase of a Template  you receive a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non sub-licensable license. This license permits the customer to use the website template for your own business. Each template design licenses are limited to use on one (1) account. You may not resell the purchased license key provided by Nordic Light Co. to any other parties. You are also not authorized to redistribute the website template(s) to any other parties.
You agree to display "Site design by Nordic Light Co." in the footer of the website template.

All Showit Templates are hosted by Showit, We are not responsible for the services provided by Showit. Please review their terms of service here - www.showit.co/terms-of-service
All Showit Templates are designed to work on most devices and web browsers. We cannot guarantee they will function exactly as demonstrated in the preview. 

By purchasing one of the Our designs, you grant Nordic Light Co. a permanent and royalty-free license to use representations of your website for promotional purposes on Our website and social media platforms.

Any communications made through Our ‘contact’, blog, blog comments, newsletter sign up, or other related pages, or directly to Our phones or mailing or email addresses is not held privileged or confidential and is subject to viewing and distribution by third parties. We own any and all communications displayed on Our website, servers, comments, emails, or other media as allowed by United States law, and will not give credit or pay royalties for unsolicited user-generated content such as blog comments or emails. For more information on when and how We store and use Your communications or any data provided by You in those communications, please refer to Our Privacy Policy on this page.

We maintain a right to republish any submission in whole or in part as reasonably necessary in the course of Our business. You agree not to submit any content or communications that could be illegal or serve an unlawful purpose, including, but not limited to communications that are potentially libelous or maliciously false, obscene, abusive, negligent, or otherwise harmful or inappropriate.


Our website and related materials are provided for educational and informational use only. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Our website and company for any direct or indirect loss or conduct incurred as a result of Your use of Our website and any related communications, including as a result of any consequences incurred from technological failures such as a payment processor error(s) or system failure(s).

While We may reference certain results, outcomes or situations on this website, You understand and acknowledge that We make no guarantee as to the accuracy of third-party statements contained herein or the likelihood of success for You as a result of these statements or any other statements anywhere on this website. If You have legal or financial questions, You should consult a lawyer, or CPA and/or CFP respectively. We expressly disclaim any and all responsibility for any actions or omissions You choose to make as a result of using this website, related materials, products, courses, or the materials contained herein.

This website is updated on a regular basis and while We try to make accurate statements in a timely and effective manner, We cannot guarantee that all materials and related media contained herein are entirely accurate, complete, or up to date. You expressly acknowledge and understand that any information or knowledge You gain as a result of using this website is used at Your own risk. If You should see any errors or omissions and would like to let Us know, please email Us at hello@nordiclightco.com

This site may use affiliate links to sell certain products or services. We disclaim any and all liability as a result of Your purchase through one of these links. We will use reasonable efforts to notify You when and where We have placed affiliate links in addition to this disclaimer located in these Terms and Conditions. You accept express liability for any and all consequences or benefits of clicking the affiliate links contained on this website or related communications. 

If at any time We feel You have violated these Terms and Conditions, then We shall immediately terminate Your use of Our website and any related communications as We deem appropriate. It is within Our sole discretion to allow any user’s access of Our website, and We may revoke this access at any time without notice, and if necessary, block Your IP address from further visits to Our site(s).

Before You register with Our website or make any purchases therefrom, You will be asked to consent to Our Privacy Policy. If You have consented, or once You do consent, the terms of the Privacy Policy together with these Terms and Conditions, the information contained herein constitutes the entire agreement between site users and Our company relating to the use of this website.

These Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy are governed by and construed in accordance with United States law. Any dispute arising out of or related to the information contained herein is subject to adjudication in the state of North Carolina.

By using Our website, You hereby consent to Our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.

If You require any more information or have any questions about Our Terms and Conditions of Use, or Our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact Us by email at hello@nordiclightco.com

View Privacy Policy - https://nordiclightco.com/privacy

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@2024 anna wisjo photography | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED